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Welcome to API documentation! A free API you can use to create PDF invoices (and get some sales dashboards).

API Call Results

“Hello world!” invoice definition example.

var invoice = {
  "buyer": {
    "name": "ACME Corporation"
  "items": [
      "name": "ACME ARTIFICIAL ROCK",
      "unitPrice": 1000.10,
      "quantity": 2,
      "itemTotalAmount": 2000.20
  "totals": {
    "total": 2044.20

var invoice = new Model.Invoice() {
    Buyer = new Model.Actor() {
        Name = "ACME Corporation"
    Items = new List<Model.InvoiceItem>() {
         new Model.InvoiceItem() {
             Name = "ACME ARTIFICIAL ROCK",
             UnitPrice = 1000.10m,
             Quantity = 2,
             ItemTotalAmount = 2000.20m
         } },
    Totals = new Model.InvoiceTotals() {
        Total = 2044.20m 

When you call API to create a new Invoice, a PDF document is saved on the Internet and the related URL is returned to you (you can check the next link to get an example).

Invoices you create are stored on Amazon Web Services S3, and each PDF file is coded with a unique GUID (e.g. 7cb0557e-bbd9-4625-84cf-76e7afec9d57) and will be available for at least five years.

We recommend that you start testing the API by using Postman or, if you’re using C#, by installing the .NET SDK (install the NuGet package

You can check for some C# and Javascript code examples included on this page.

Sales Dashboard

As part of service you also get some sales reports.

API Endpoints & Environments API uses two environments, a test environment you can use to learn and test new API features:

and the production environment:


    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Api-Key': 'my-api-key'

 InvoicingAPI API = new InvoicingAPI("my-api-key"); API requires a personal API Key to authenticate your calls (to get such key, just sign in at (or for free).

Once you get your API Key, you must include it in all of your API calls as a header attribute:

'X-Api-Key': 'my-api-key'

Passing parameters

Method call parameters must be passed in the Body part of the request message using JSON format.

The Content-Type header attribute must be set to application/json.

// How to set dates and numbers.



    "date" : "1482932562"


    "total" : 19.99


    "countryCode" : "FR"


// Setting CountryCode to "FR" (France) will show prices 
// like "20,01" and dates like "31/12/2017".

AddInvoiceResponse response = API.AddInvoice(new Model.Invoice() {
    Date = Utils.Timestamp.CurrentTimeMillis(),
    UnitPrice = 20.01m,
    CountryCode = "FR",


Invoice Dates Format

When setting dates, use Unix time format.

For example, 1482932562 date value translates to Wednesday, 28-Dec-16 13:42:42 UTC.

Invoice Numbers Format

Invoice numbers must use the dot “.” symbol as the decimal mark (f.ex. 20.99). This is due to JSON format requirements.

If you need to display a diferent format (f.ex. 20,99) please check Invoice Country Code parameter.

Invoice Country Code

Invoice country code (f.ex. US) is used to format currency and date values (and also to calculate some country related statistics).

An example.

You may need to use the EUR currency code and display values using the French format (f.ex. 24,99 EUR). In that case you must set countryCode to FR value.

API Calls Response

API call seller/get response example

 "info":  "{
    \"name\":\"ACME Corporation\",
    \"line1\":\"Rock Heaven\",

API call error response example

 "statusMessage":"incorrect parameters - user not found",
 "info":  ""

When calling the API, you can get an HTTP layer transport error, that is, an error that has ocurried before the related API code is executed (e.g. 503, Service Unavailable), or a controlled error, meaning an error that is related to the parameters values you send (e.g. 404, not found - when no data is found for your query). By using this strategy, you will be able to catch and differentiate all kind of API call errors easily.

When no transport layer error is detected, all the API calls will include the next message in the BODY part of the response:

Parameter Type Description
statusCode number The api call result code, using HTTP status codes values (e.g. 200 indicates no error).
statusMessage string The status code related message.
info string* The related requested information.

Please take note that the info result parameter may be just a simple text or a more complex json schema (check the examples on the right).

Seller API


Update seller example

var sellerJson = {
    "id": "3338926K",
    "name": "Capsule Corp",
    "line1": "West City",
    "taxIds": [
        "name": "FC",
        "value": "203/232/20202"
    "logoUrl": ""

    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: JSON.stringify(sellerJson),
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Api-Key': 'ExV0d92KzQ8QgsTVnevddpbB8cUaAfPs7ntVF8g0'
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (response) {
    error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
InvoicingAPI API = new InvoicingAPI("ExV0d92KzQ8QgsTVnevddpbB8cUaAfPs7ntVF8g0");

Model.Actor response = API.UpdateSeller(new Model.Actor() {
    Id = "3338926K",
    Name = "Capsule Corp",
    Line1="West City",
    TaxIds = new List<Model.ActorTaxId>() {
         new Model.ActorTaxId() {
             Name = "FC",
             Value = "203/232/20202"
    LogoUrl = "logoUrl": ""

If successfull, the call will return the updated structure (same values as input).

Use this method to set your Bill From data so you don’t have to include that info each time you create a new Invoice.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
id string Actor (seller/buyer) id. [optional]
name string Name.
line1 string Used to describe seller/buyer. [optional]
line2 string Additional info. [optional]
line3 string Additional info. [optional]
taxIds array List of tax codes. [optional]
logoUrl string Image Url to your logo image [optional] Must be less than 100Kb.

where TaxIds is a list of Tax Codes.

Tax codes

Parameter Type Description
name string Tax name (f.ex. VA).
value string Tax Value (f.ex. BEB75884746).


    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: null,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Api-Key': 'ExV0d92KzQ8QgsTVnevddpbB8cUaAfPs7ntVF8g0'

Use this method to get your Bill From default values.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

This call does not need any parameter.

Invoice API


    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: JSON.stringify(invoiceJson),
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Api-Key': 'ExV0d92KzQ8QgsTVnevddpbB8cUaAfPs7ntVF8g0'
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (response) {
    error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
InvoicingAPI API = new InvoicingAPI(MY_API_KEY);

AddInvoiceResponse response = API.AddInvoice(invoice);

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "invoiceId": "2016_12_1",
    "invoiceDate": "1482945673350",
    "invoiceFileURL": "https://.../63226081-0eb4-4046-ab27-166261f70dc6.pdf"
public class AddInvoiceResponse
    public string InvoiceId { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceDate { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceFileURL { get; set; }

Extensive invoice definition example:

var invoice = {
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "countryCode": "US",
  "seller": {
    "id": "3338926K",
    "line1": "West City"
  "buyer": {
    "id": "Rabbit 1988",
    "name": "ACME Corporation",
    "line1": "Looney Tunes Street",
    "line2": "El Coyote",
    "taxIds": [
        "name": "FC",
        "value": "203/232/20202"

  "items": [
      "name": "ACME ARTIFICIAL ROCK",
      "description": "Have hours of amusement pretending to be a rock with the ACME Artificial Rock.",
      "unitPrice": 1000.10,
      "taxes": [
          "taxRate": 20,
          "taxName": "VAT"
      "quantity": 2,
      "itemSubTotalAmount": 2000.20,
      "itemTotalAmount": 2400.04
      "name": "ACME ASPIRIN",
      "description": "ACME is recognized worldwide as a leading producer of acetylsalicylic acid.",
      "unitPrice": 20,
      "taxes": [
          "taxRate": 10,
          "taxName": "VAT"
      "quantity": 2,
      "itemSubTotalAmount": 40.00,
      "itemTotalAmount": 44.00
  "totals": {
    "subTotal": 2040.20,
    "taxTotals": [
        "taxRate": 20,
        "taxName": "VAT",
        "taxTotal": 400.04
        "taxRate": 10,
        "taxName": "VAT",
        "taxTotal": 4.00
    "total": 2444.04
  "notes": {
    "line1": "The Complete Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products",
    "line2": "Payment 60 days after invoice date.",
    "line3": "That's all folks."
  "labels": {
    "title": "INVOICE #",
    "sellerLabel": "Bill From:",
    "SellerTaxIdsLabel": "Tax ID(s)",
    "buyerLabel": "Bill To:",
    "BuyerTaxIdsLabel": "Tax ID(s)",
    "itemsListItem": "Item",
    "itemsListPrice": "Price",
    "itemsListQty": "Qty",
    "itemsListSubtotal": "Subtotal",
    "itemsListTotal": "Total",
    "subtotal": "Subtotal",
    "total": "Total"
  "colors": {
    "color1": "#2E2E2E",
    "color2": "#585858",
    "color3": "#424242"

new Model.Invoice() {

    Date = Utils.Timestamp.CurrentTimeMillis(),
    CurrencyCode = "USD",
    CountryCode = "US",
    Seller = new Model.Actor() {
        Id="My Seller ID",
        Name="I am a Seller",
        Line1="This is my address.",
        TaxIds= new List<Model.ActorTaxId>() {
            new Model.ActorTaxId() {
            new Model.ActorTaxId() {
    Buyer = new Model.Actor() {
        Id="INTERNAL 00212",
        Name = "My First Invoice Buyer",
        Line1 = "Company Address Line 1",
        Line2 = "Address Line 2",
        TaxIds = new List<Model.ActorTaxId>() {
            new Model.ActorTaxId() {
                Name = "FR",
    Items = new List<Model.InvoiceItem>() {
         new Model.InvoiceItem() {
             Name = "My Product Name",
             Description = "Product description.",
             UnitPrice = 20.01m,
             Quantity = 2,
             Taxes = new List<Model.Tax>() {
                 new Model.Tax() {
                     TaxName = "VAT",
                     TaxRate = 10
             ItemSubTotalAmount = 40.02m,
             ItemTotalAmount = 44.02m
         } },
    Totals = new Model.InvoiceTotals() {
         SubTotal = 40.02m,
         TaxTotals = new List<Model.InvoiceTaxTotal>() {
             new Model.InvoiceTaxTotal() {
        Total = 44.02m
    Notes = new Model.TextBlock() {
        Line1="This is a note to include some text/conditions."
    Labels = new Model.Labels() {
        Title = "QUOTATION",
        Total = "Total Quotation"
    Colors = new Model.Colors() {
        Color1 = "#766755"

Use this method to create a new invoice.

HTTP Request


Invoice Ids

If you want your invoice id to be automatically generated by the system, do not include the id parameter on the request.

Dummy Invoices

To test how the API works you can use the dummy parameter. If set to true, your invoice will be saved on a separate folder and will not be counted.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description Notes
dummy boolean false If set to true, invoice is not counted. [optional]
id string Invoice Id. [optional]
date timestamp current date Invoice date. [optional]
currencyCode string USD currency ISO code [optional]
countryCode string US country ISO code [optional]
seller array Invoice actor (seller) attributes.
buyer array Invoice actor (buyer) attributes.
items array Items list.
totals array Totals attributes.
notes array Notes. [optional].
labels array Labels texts. [optional].
colors array Invoice template colors. [optional]

Actor (seller/buyer) Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description Notes
id string Actor (seller/buyer) id. [optional]
name string Name.
line1 string Used to describe seller/buyer. [optional]
line2 string Additional info. [optional]
line3 string Additional info. [optional]
taxIds array List of tax codes. [optional]

Actor (seller/buyer) Tax codes

Parameter Type Default Description
name string Tax name (f.ex. VA).
value string Tax Value (f.ex. BEB75884746).

Invoice Item

Parameter Type Default Description Notes
name string Product/Service name.
description string Description. [optional]
unitPrice number Unit price.
taxes array List of Tax. [optional]
quantity number Quantity.
itemSubTotalAmount number Item total before taxes.
itemTotalAmount number Item total including all taxes.


Parameter Type Default Description
taxRate number tax rate (f.ex. 20).
taxName string tax name (f.ex. VAT).
taxTotal number tax total.

Invoice Totals

Parameter Type Default Description Notes
subtotal number Invoice total without taxes. [optional]
taxTotals array List of Tax. [optional]
total number Invoice Total.

Invoice Notes

Use invoice notes to add any extra text you want to include.

Parameter Type Default Description
line1 string First line.
line2 string Second line.
line3 string Third line.

Invoice Labels

Use these parameters to change the default labels texts.

Parameter Type Default
title string INVOICE #
invoiceNumber string Invoice Number
invoiceDate string Invoice Date
sellerLabel string Bill From
SellerTaxIdsLabel string Tax ID(s)
buyerLabel string Bill To
BuyerTaxIdsLabel string Tax ID(s)
itemsListItem string Item
itemsListPrice string Price
itemsListQty string Qty
itemsListSubtotal string Subtotal
itemsListTotal string Total
subtotal string Subtotal
total string Total

Invoice Colors

Use these parameters to change the default template colors.

To check how the colors are used, we recommend that you create a dummy invoice for testing. You can check for color values here.

Parameter Type Default Description
color1 string #2E2E2E Template color.
color2 string #585858 Template color.
color3 string “#424242” Template color.


var queryJson = { "year":2017 };
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: JSON.stringify(queryJson),
InvoicingAPI API = new InvoicingAPI(MY_API_KEY);
ListInvoiceResponse response = API.ListInvoice(new Model.APIQueries.ListInvoiceQuery() { 
    Year = 2017, 
    Quarter = 1 

The above command returns:

  "query": {
    "year": 2017
  "count": 2,
  "list": [
      "invoiceGuid": "2e898d14-e2fd-4d87-9403-75f1871c28b2",
      "invoiceId": "2017_1_5",
      "invoiceDate": 1483871723354,
      "invoiceBuyerName": "ACME Corporation",
      "invoiceTotal": 2044.2,
      "invoiceCurrency": "USD",
      "invoiceUrl": "https://..913b-2f9eb1731ce7/2017/01/2e898d14-e2fd-4d87-9403-75f1871c28b2.pdf"
      "invoiceGuid": "785bdaea-b575-4485-a886-b194af161a11",
      "invoiceId": "2017_1_7",
      "invoiceDate": 1483871733325,
      "invoiceBuyerName": "ACME Corporation",
      "invoiceTotal": 2444.04,
      "invoiceCurrency": "USD",
      "invoiceUrl": "https://..2-b0e1-4d4a-913b-2f9eb1731ce7/2017/01/785bdaea-b575-4485-a886-b194af161a11.pdf"

 public class ListInvoiceResponse {

    public APIQueries.ListInvoiceQuery Query { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public List<ListInvoiceResponseItem> List { get; set; }


public class ListInvoiceResponseItem{

    public string InvoiceGuid { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceId { get; set; }
    public long InvoiceDate { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceBuyerName { get; set; }
    public decimal InvoiceTotal { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceCurrency { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceUrl { get; set; }

Use this method to get a list of invoices within a specific period of time

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

To get invoice list you must pass at least the year paramater. Here are some examples:

Parameter Type Default Description Notes
year int - invoices year we want to get list
quarter int - allowed values: 1 to 4 representing Quarter 1,2,3 or 4 [optional]
month int - invoices month we want to get list [optional]
day int - invoices day we want to get lit [optional]


var queryJson = { "invoiceGuid":"a657de6e-3afe-4af5-b95e-288d3df472d0" };
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    data: JSON.stringify(queryJson),

InvoicingAPI API = new InvoicingAPI(MY_API_KEY);
Invoice response = API.GetInvoice(new GetInvoiceQuery() {
    InvoiceGuid = "e234cd8f-4c66-4855-a5b4-23816fea6f23"

The above command returns an Invoice structure (check example here)

Use this method to get a specific Invoice JSON formatted data.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Each time you create an Invoice a new GUID is assigned. Use that GUID value to get the related Invoice JSON when required.

Parameter Type Default Description
invoiceGuid string - Invoice GUID

Available Templates

Invoice template is selected by setting the templateNumber parameter when calling the invoice/add API method.

You can search for color codes on Colors Picker website. If you want to test how your Invoices look, remember to set the dummy parameter on invoice creation.

Default Template (1).

AddInvoiceResponse response = API.AddInvoice(new Model.Invoice() {
    TemplateNumber = 1,
    Colors = new Colors() {
        Color1 = "#766755",
        Color2 = "#e62e00",
        Color3 = "#33ccff",
        Color4 = "#99ffcc"


Template Number 2.

AddInvoiceResponse response = API.AddInvoice(new Model.Invoice() {
    TemplateNumber = 2,
    Colors = new Colors() {
        Color1 = "#766755",
        Color2 = "#e62e00",
        Color3 = "#33ccff",
        Color4 = "#99ffcc",
        Color5 = "#cc33ff"


If you want to include your company logo image, you must update your Bill To data using the seller/update API method including an Url reference to your logo image.

The image will then be saved on our servers and used on this template.

Error Codes

The API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Check your request parameters.
401 Unauthorized – Check your API key
403 Forbidden / Too Many Requests – Slow down!
404 Not Found – Your API key is valid but there is no related user on our servers.
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The requested object has been removed
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.